When is the last time you felt joyful? I’m not talking about a general feeling of happiness. I’m talking about the feeling of being lit up from the inside out. Regardless of what’s going on around you, you feel like all is well.

I’m sure that one of the many things that earned you your position is your ability to get things done. You’re an achiever. However, if you’re constantly in go mode, it’s easy to feel like you’re running in a hamster wheel trying to catch up. Even if you see progress externally, this frenzied pattern may lead you away from your ultimate goal, rather than taking you closer to it.

What is your ultimate goal? Why are you doing all that you do? You may want to earn more money, get another promotion, create a happier home, or raise the most successful kids on the block. I encourage you to dig a little deeper. What lies at the core of all of these things? The root of our motivation comes down to joy. All we do should create a more joyful life for ourselves and our loved ones.

The difference between joy and happiness is that joy comes from within. While happiness is reliant on external factors, joy is cultivated from deep inside your heart.

Experts agree that joyful people are happier people. They also say that joyful people make better decisions, deal with stress more gracefully, are overall healthier, and look and feel younger. Who doesn’t want all that?

I sure do. Therefore, I took a deep dive into learning how to get more joy out of life. I’ve created this list of simple, but life-changing practices that you can incorporate into your day because you deserve to experience a greater sense of joy and fulfillment in your daily life, too.

1. Remove the blocks.

Irritation, tension and stress can accumulate throughout the day. Over time, even little stressors can build up and create a negative impact on our well-being. Try this empowering, tension-clearing exercise any time you feel your stress level start to increase.

Start by placing your fingers on your forehead. Inhale deeply as you say the word “peace” in your mind. Then pull your arms out to the sides and shake your hands as though you’re shaking off the stress as you say “release.” Repeat this four or five times or until you feel the tension recede and your body relax.

2. Schedule joy time.

I invite you to take a moment to think about what makes you feel truly joyful. If it has been a while since you’ve given attention to what brings you joy, jot down what comes to mind and see what resonates. Is it spending time being a total goofball with your kids and making them laugh? Is it sitting quietly enjoying nature? Is it cuddling with your partner or spouse? Is it writing, painting, singing, dancing, playing music? What is it that truly makes your heart smile? Even if it’s only a few minutes here or there, schedule a few moments of joy time into your day to do the things that light up your soul.

3. Heighten your awareness of the joyful moments.

Oftentimes, opportunities to experience joy pass us by because we’re too busy to notice them. The more you engage in the present moment, the less likely you’ll be to miss them. As your awareness and gratitude for these special opportunities expands, you’ll set yourself up for a more trusting, joyful outlook on life.

4. Treat yourself to a two-minute mindfulness meditation each day.

An amazing thing about the brain is that just spending a few moments remembering a joyful experience will emit the same good-feeling chemicals that it did when you were actually experiencing it. Try this two-minute mindfulness meditation during your lunch break or when you need an energy boost. Close your eyes and visualize a time when you felt genuinely joyful. Focus on how you felt physically and emotionally. With each breath, allow those positive feelings to flood your body with joy.

A final tip is to do a weekly check-in with yourself. Give yourself a joy score each week and watch as these little practices lead to a big increase in your overall feelings of joy!

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